CSC Scientific Blog

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Will Certification Lead To The  Holy Grail Of Sieving?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Aug 14, 2020 3:00:00 PM

Adventures of Pequeño

This is another Adventure of Pequeño: The 150 Micron Particle, I wonder why I get myself into these fantasies. However, once I start I feel constrained to press on.

In an earlier encounter, our little friend Pequeño, was on a determined quest to make it through sieves -- particularly those through which were said be too small for him to pass. In this scenario, Pequeño along with some of his family and friends -- all small particles about 150 microns in size -- are on their way to a sieve test.

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Topics: Sieve Shakers, Sieve Blinding, ASTM, Pequeño, Calibration, Particle Size Analysis, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Certification, Sieve Testing, Sieves, sieve shaker, sieve stack, certfication

Is There a  Holy Grail of Sieve Analysis?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Aug 5, 2020 12:00:00 AM

Holy grail and Sieve Calibration

Sieve calibration is the final step in determining whether processes yield suitable end results. In other words:
  • Is your concrete going to be strong enough?
  • Will you chocolates taste right?

  • Will your washing powder flow and dissolve as advertised?

  • Is there dangerous residue in your pill stock?

  • Will the “frack sand” keep the fractures open?

  • Is my salt of the correct grade?

If these are not correct, serious consequences could result (e.g. spoiled product, returned batches, rework or scrap).

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Topics: Calibration, Particle Size Analysis, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Certification, Sieve Testing, Sieves, Sieving Process, particle sieze testing

When is a Sieve Not a Sieve?

Posted by Amanda Ranowsky on Dec 18, 2019 4:45:00 PM

In our business, we use the word “sieve” to describe a piece of equipment that separates different sized particles  using a woven wire screen. To others, “sieve” can mean something very different.

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Topics: ASTM, Particle Size Analysis, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Certification, Sieves, Sieving Process

Is Test Sieve Certification All You Need?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Oct 29, 2015 1:45:10 PM

For several years, people in the test sieving business have been grousing about the difficulty of making sure that a test sieve certification is what they need. Anyone who is working with close tolerances in the smaller particle sizes, like 300 microns and smaller, have serious issues in matching results from test sieve to test sieve.

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Topics: Mid-Point Sieves, Calibration, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Certification, Sieve Testing, Sieves, Sieve Analysis

Who's Concerned About Sieve Shakers?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Mar 11, 2011 12:33:00 PM

The primary purpose of a sieve shaker is to provide motion to a sample in a test sieve.

An effective sieve shaker creates a motion that presents all the particles to all of the sieve openings and assists particles in passing through. This requires both rotary and vertical motion.

This process seems simple enough, but let's not be taken in.

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Topics: Sieve Shakers, Particle Size Analysis, Sieve Testing, Sieves

Is Particle-Size Analysis Boring? Trivial? Amazing? Exciting? Vital?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Nov 2, 2010 3:57:00 PM

When I tell people at cocktail parties that we specialize in Particle-Size Analysis. I usually get a polite response of ------ “OH !!,”   which translates to “So who cares?”

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Topics: Sonic Sifter, Particle Size Analysis, Sieves, Sieving Process

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