Discover the significance of platinum in du Nouy Tensiometer Rings and its impact on accurate surface tension measurements.
Read MoreUnderstanding the Role of Platinum in Du Nouy Tensiometer Rings
Posted by Cho Jang on Aug 12, 2024 5:53:51 PM
Topics: duNouy Rings, Surface Tension, interfacial surface tension, tensiometers, du Nouy tensiometer, water content measurement, walk on water, segmentation
Surface Tension - Rings, Bubbles, Drops, and Plates
Posted by Art Gatenby on Oct 19, 2020 4:12:12 PM
The definition of Liquid Surface Tension is simple.
It's the force that keeps a liquid from flying off into space.
However, the measurement of surface tension can take many forms, which can be confusing. In an attempt to get some clarity, we have articulated two principle measurement concepts in this article: drop-based measurement and force-based measurement.
Topics: Automatic Digital Tensiometer, Automatic Surface Tension Measurment, Surface Tension Measurement, Surface Tension, Interfacial Tensiometer, interfacial tension, tensiometers, du Nouy tensiometer, surface tension instruments, surface tension analysis
Walk On Water??? Really??? Surface Tension Says Yes!!!
Posted by Art Gatenby on Oct 14, 2020 4:04:16 PM
Topics: Surface Tension Measurement, tensiometers, surface tension instruments, surface tension analysis, walk on water
Having Trouble Performing a duNouy Ring Test in Thick Samples?
Posted by Art Gatenby on Nov 15, 2010 3:29:00 PM
“My duNouy ring kept falling off the arm hook when attempting to immerse it into a high-viscosity sample.”
Topics: duNouy Rings, Surface Tension Measurement, Surface Tension, Interfacial Tensiometer, tensiometers, Liquid Properties