“My duNouy ring kept falling off the arm hook when attempting to immerse it into a high-viscosity sample.”
Having Trouble Performing a duNouy Ring Test in Thick Samples?
Posted by Art Gatenby on Nov 15, 2010 3:29:00 PM
Topics: duNouy Rings, Surface Tension Measurement, Surface Tension, Interfacial Tensiometer, tensiometers, Liquid Properties
Is Particle-Size Analysis Boring? Trivial? Amazing? Exciting? Vital?
Posted by Art Gatenby on Nov 2, 2010 3:57:00 PM
When I tell people at cocktail parties that we specialize in Particle-Size Analysis. I usually get a polite response of ------ “OH !!,” which translates to “So who cares?”
Topics: Sonic Sifter, Particle Size Analysis, Sieves, Sieving Process