CSC Scientific Blog

A blog about test equipment

"Certify vs. Calibrate Sieves: Which Should You Do?"

Posted by Cho Jang on Jun 21, 2024 5:25:13 PM

The ongoing debate between the value of a sieve certification process and sieve calibration has long intrigued me.

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Topics: Sieve Shakers, Mid-Point Sieves, Particle Size Analysis, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Testing, Sieves

Re-Certify Mid-Point Sieves? When and How?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Feb 10, 2023 4:47:59 PM

I had a long conversation with the person [we'll call him Bill] responsible for setting up the quality procedures for very tight specifications in a new process -- part of which was developing procedures for checking the ongoing tolerances of production sieves.
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Topics: Mid-Point Sieves, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Testing, Sieves

Do You Know If Your Test Sieves Are Doing the Job?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Jul 12, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Do You Re-Certify? Compare with a Master Stack? Check with Calibration Samples?

What Does Recertification Give?

The ASTM E-11 committee has done a great job of establishing three levels of testing. These levels show the probability of a sieve’s mesh to be within the permissible variations. These variations relate to the size of openings in wire-cloth used for test sieves.

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Topics: Sieve Shakers, Mid-Point Sieves, ASTM, Particle Size Analysis, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Certification, Sieve Testing, Sieving Process, Quiet sieve shakers, RoTap, sieving, test sieve equipment, sieve mesh

Is Test Sieve Certification All You Need?

Posted by Art Gatenby on Oct 29, 2015 1:45:10 PM

For several years, people in the test sieving business have been grousing about the difficulty of making sure that a test sieve certification is what they need. Anyone who is working with close tolerances in the smaller particle sizes, like 300 microns and smaller, have serious issues in matching results from test sieve to test sieve.

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Topics: Mid-Point Sieves, Calibration, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Certification, Sieve Testing, Sieves, Sieve Analysis

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