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Sieves – Old and New Issues

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Art Gatenby on May 27, 2022 4:36:26 PM

 In 2011 "Powder-Bulk Solids" published an article Powder Bulk Covercomparing certification process veracity with a sieve calibration process using calibrated glass microspheres (or beads). The certification process merely indicates that a sieve mesh conforms to a standard that has a wide tolerance regarding mesh openings. It is performed on a small number of openings. On the other hand, calibration using the calibrated beads results in a number representing the mean opening -- a result generated by actually performing a test encompassing at least 80% of the mesh openings.

The problems outlined in the article  are still dogging todays QC Managers

Given that the calibration process highlights the actual performance of a given QC Inspectorsieve, we recommended that QC departments switch to a calibration method to determine the suitability of the sieves used in tight-tolerance situations. This requires a different mindset from test sieve manufacturers as well as QC departments responsible for controlling sieve processes.

We recently had a real-life example of the the difference between actual sieve performance and certification statistics. A customer recently acquired four 45 micron (#325) ASTM certified sieves. Given that their manufacturing process was critical, they decided to check the four sieves with calibration beads. The results on each sieve showed a mean aperture of 49 microns. Because the certification spec allowed a variation of up to 3 microns in average opening size (allowing up to 48 microns in average opening) They returned the sieves to the manufacturer for re-certification. All four sieves passed. The customer also had them double-checked by an outside laboratory. Each of the four sieves tested the same; consistent with a real-world sample as well as bead calibration results.

What to do? --- Whom to believe? --- What ARE these sieves?

In light of this, let's consider the most recent ASTM specification (ASTM E 11-09). The customer's sieves were 8 inches in diameter, which represented Bell shaped Curveapproximately 15 million openings. The most exact ASTM certification requires examining only 1,000 openings ---- less than .01% of the number in an 8-inch #325 sieve. For these 1,000 measured openings, the maximum allowable average opening size variation is 3 microns with an allowable maximum opening of 67 microns. Given that the bead calibration produced a mean opening of 49 microns, the customer felt that the sieve was out of spec compared to the maximum allowable average of plus three microns (45+3 ) of the observed 1,000 openings. Note that these statistics are all based on measurements and not on actual sieve test performance.

The bead calibration tolerance is about 1 micron in mean opening resulting from a sieve test using a calibrated sphere sample.

This real-life situation makes it clear that certification, while an insurance Insurance Policypolicy of some value, does not predict a sieve’s actual performance. It does nothing more than sample some openings and determine if the sieve mesh is within prescribed tolerances.

Calibration performs a live sieve test and yields the actual results.This leads us to the conclusion that calibration with glass spheres is the optimal procedure for determining the suitability of a test sieve as well as checking and controlling a process.

We can compare mesh sieve performance to the results on the same Meinzer II Sieve Shakersample, but predicting it can only be accomplished by conducting an actual sieve test using a precise sample such as Calibration Beads.

To date, calibrated spheres are the best method for this and for determining the actual calibration of any test sieve.

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As with most of the things I read about here, real world conditions often lead to confusion about theory and when analyzed question established practice.

I hope this has been helpful.  Call me at 703-876-4030 if you want to discuss the certification/calibration dichotomy.


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Watch Our Tutorial on Sieve Calibration

P.P.S. Some Sieving History and a Primer for newbies to sieving.  A Webinar.

Sieving Webinar


Topics: Sieve Shakers, Calibration, Particle Size Analysis, Sieve Calibration, Sieve Certification, Sieve Testing, Sieves, Sieving Process

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