Nine Sieve Shakers for a Wide Range of Sieve Test Applications
We offer sieve shakers to fit a wide range of product applications. Contact us if you need help choosing the right sieve shaker for your company.
Our general purpose sieve shakers can handle most products, but some applications can be a little trickier.
For sieving heavy samples, or if you need larger diameter sieves, try one of our heavy duty sieve shakers.
For small particle sizes that tend to agglomerate or are otherwise difficult to sieve using traditional methods, our small particle size sieve shakers may be the perfect fit.
Check out These Sieve Shaker Demos by Shaker Sam
These two sieve shakers are bench top models. The CSC Meinzer II is comparatively light and works on a wide range of materials. The Octagon 200 has a larger base and includes the added flexibility of adjustable amplitude and intermittent operation. Both sieve shakers are of modern, quiet design.
Because the Meinzer II is the most economical sieve shaker we offer, the next most important things you need to consider are the nature of the products to be tested and the size of the sample. The Meinzer II should head the list for consideration when the product flows freely, requires a minimum fines analysis of more than 38 microns and is not subject to static charge. These product characteristics, combined with sample sizes of less than eight (8) pounds (4 kg), point strongly to the use of this shaker. Further, the Meinzer II ranks for 3” (100 mm) diameter sieves. Remember, it is quiet.
Probably the first step in considering an Octagon Sieve Shaker is related to finding a quiet shaker. This shaker fills that bill; no need to shout during the course of a sieve test. When you need to get the shaker motion just right so that the test material spends a maximum time on the sieves (does not fly around), or have the sample resist agglomeration and the results duplicate a different shaker or specification, the Octagon 200 series shakers should top the list for consideration.
This category features two robust sieve shakers, engineered specifically for demanding sieve testing tasks. Introducing the latest EFL 300, the successor to the EFL 2000, and the D300 sieve shaker, now rebranded as the Titan 450.
The devices featured in this segment are expertly engineered to tackle the unique challenges associated with separating fine particles, specifically those under 100 microns in size. These instruments are optimized for dry materials and excel not only in guiding these minuscule particles through screens as narrow as 2 microns, but also in overcoming hurdles such as airborne particles, clumping due to moisture or static electricity. Our selection includes two distinct offerings: the cost-effective vacuum sieve shaker CSC/Reynolds instrument and the advanced Air Jet Sizer 200.
This CSC-Reynolds Vacuum Siever is offered as a cost-effective alternative to meet basic needs of sieving or particle separation:
The CSC-Reynolds Vacuum Siever provides an economical way to deal with these problems. It gives a range of adjustment for the vacuum part of the process and the ability to automatically time your tests.
holds one (1) 8 inch diameter sieve*
*All sieves, except CSC Brand sieves, require damping o-ring for proper operation of instrument.Watch this video for more information on the CSC-Reynolds Vacuum Siever.
If you are working with particles that have the following attributes, a vacuum siever should be high on the list of test equipment:
The Air Sizer 200 has operational characteristics designed to solve these problems. In addition this siever has precise controls of the rotating air jet, the vacuum levels and the test times. These facets of the instrument’s design let you set optimized testing parameters that can be repeated test to test for the same material.
uses one (1) 8" (203 mm) diameter sieve
Check out this demo video of the Air Jet Sizer 200 with Shaker Sam and Wayne.
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