Sinar AP Moisture Analyzer
I would like to thank you for the great service you and CSC have given us. The Sinar moisture machine has given us the luxury of running moisture test in 7 seconds, which allows us to run more frequent tests for better quality control on our product. This is the bottom line: testing more often gives us better quality control.
CSC Scientific has done an excellent job of responding to our needs of new products and to our calls for help and service. They have supplied us with machines to use until our broken machine was fixed. They have FedEx parts to us to help us out of a bind. Thank you very much.
Tony Groves
American Dehydrated Foods Inc.
We are currently using the Sinar Moisture Analyzer quite successfully in our starch mogul operation. The quick speed for moisture determination allows us to run more tests, giving us more info to make more consistent marshmallow and jelly products.
Because the methods are easily mastered, laboratory, line personnel and supervisors can easily utilize the new analyzer.
I did an extensive search prior to buying a backup moisture analyzer. I believe for the Sinar’s speed, repeatability, and price, it is one of the best on the market.
Michael D. Campagna
Quality Control Manager
Melster Cadies Inc.
After harvesting seed from various flower seed crops we need to dry the seed down to a safe moisture content prior to storage and shipping. The moisture analyzer has helped us effectively monitor various drying/handling processes to make them more efficient. Our in-home research has helped us to appreciate the importance of seed moisture relations.
The Sinar AP Capacitance Moisture Analyzer is a valuable tool enabling us to monitor the post harvest moisture in our flower seeds in a non-destructive way with acceptable accuracy. We can also use the meter in various production research projects.
David Cross
Production Research Assistant
Pan American Seed
I work on the Q.C. checks and requirements for our company. I use your machine to test the moisture in ground coffee and will be measuring it in Bian in the near future. As we move along our Private Label Coffee Business is increasing and to provide the best quality, meeting their specs on things like moisture, color, grinds etc... is vital. Your machine has enabled us to provide the best moisture content readings and very easily, to our private label customers. The machine is quick, simple and very user friendly. In addition your company’s support has been a major plus, answering all questions quickly and knowledgeably.
S.J. McCullagh Inc.