CSC Articles and Commentary

Don’t Worry - Karl Fischer is Easy

Written by Art Gatenby | Nov 16, 2015 10:25:25 PM

When we first started measuring moisture with Karl Fischer, I was instructed in the complex chemical reactions involved. I was also was told that the process was skittish.

Fortunately for my sanity, along came an old hand at the technique who said, “Don’t Worry - Karl Fischer is Easy”.  He calmly demonstrated and showed me that this was absolutely true.

We wanted to give you the benefit of a simple display of the Karl Fischer Method.

Hope this video does the job.

We made this video to be helpful and entertaining. Please use it and share it to help extend understanding of the  Karl Fischer moisture measurement technique. It really is easy and effective.

This makes me think that I may be getting over my bewilderedns about testing.


P. S. If you would like to be advised of our next attempt to understand the world of test instruments, subscribe with your email in the space above.

P.P.S Learn more about Karl Fischer for moisture testing.